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How Diversity Element Affects the Employee Satisfaction on Workplace?

Diversity and its consequences on employees have been a hot research topic in the publishing industry from years to now. Saudi Arabia is a highly diverse labor market in the world. With increase in globalization and technological advancements, diversity and its effects on employees become an important research topic in literature. This research investigated diversity […]

ISBN: 978-1-63902-499-5


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Weight 0.07 kg

Kamran Nawaz




Number of pages



Publication year


Diversity and its consequences on employees have been a hot research topic in the publishing industry from years to now. Saudi Arabia is a highly diverse labor market in the world. With increase in globalization and technological advancements, diversity and its effects on employees become an important research topic in literature. This research investigated diversity by its elements like Gender, age, ethnicity and education, found its impacts on employees’ satisfaction. Four hundred employees of AYTB are taken as a sample. This research found a significant positive impact of gender on employees’ level of satisfaction towards diversity in the workplace. Furthermore, results rejected the positive impact of age on employee’s satisfaction towards diversity in the workplace. Findings show a significant positive impact of ethnicity on employees’ satisfaction towards diversity. Education, the last but not least element for diversity, found a significant positive relationship with employees’ satisfaction towards diversity. The findings of this study are matched with many previous researches showing the reliability of the study. Whereas, Age is not found to have a positive impact on employees’ satisfaction in the workplace which is an opportunity for future research in this market.