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Jubilee 2020

The message is simple and urgent. Cancel all student loans? No. Cancel all debt. In the name of Moses and sanity, cancel all debt. Proclaim Jubilee 2020. We will thus lift all boats during this extraordinary pandemic that is causing a deepest ever economic depression. A Debt Jubilee will keep cash in the pocket of […]

ISBN: 978-9975-3421-5-5


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Carmine Gorga




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Publication year


The message is simple and urgent. Cancel all student loans? No. Cancel all debt. In the name of Moses and sanity, cancel all debt. Proclaim Jubilee 2020. We will thus lift all boats during this extraordinary pandemic that is causing a deepest ever economic depression. A Debt Jubilee will keep cash in the pocket of consumers, cash ready to be spent. Hence, it will keep many businesses open; many jobs now performed well will be preserved. The rich will be made richer. While simple, the reasoning supporting this message is complex. It is rooted in three-thousand-year-old wisdom. Money is a relative entity: it has value only when it is exchanged, when it is spent. Wealth is a relative value: if all creditors systematically cancel all debt, they remain in the same position of wealth in relation to each other. State governments, world financial organizations, guard against the sharpies who might not want to participate in sanity. Debtors are free; free from anxieties; free to start over again; free to be productive again; free to live. Free to make creditors a little richer during the next business cycle. It is not the rich who make us rich; the rich make themselves richer. It is the poor, the middle classes, and indeed the rich who, with their consumption, make us all rich. How do we get from here to there? The road is shorter than we might think. It takes a mental operation for us all to say YES. An Internet Petition is ready to receive your Yes: DEFUSE THE SERIAL BOMBS THAT ARE EXPLODING DURING THIS PANDEMIC at http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/the-jubilee-solution. If We the People want it, our Legislators will be happy to proclaim Jubilee 2020.