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Implementation of Collaborative Learning Model to Improve Student 4CS Skills

This research aims to improve students’ 4Cs skills by applying collaborative learning models to Mathematics Education students at Unismuh Makassar. To achieve this goal, this research uses a one-group pretest-posttest experimental research design which consists of four stages, namely (1) Preparation: conducting an inductive study of the problem, studying relevant literature and sources and making […]

ISBN: 979-8-88676-724-7


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Maharida Manindar, Wahyuddin, S.Pd.,M.Pd.


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This research aims to improve students’ 4Cs skills by applying collaborative learning models to Mathematics Education students at Unismuh Makassar. To achieve this goal, this research uses a one-group pretest-posttest experimental research design which consists of four stages, namely (1) Preparation: conducting an inductive study of the problem, studying relevant literature and sources and making a research plan, compiling and validating instruments study; (2) Implementation: pre-test administration, treatment with 5 meetings, post-test administration, and data collection; (3) Data analysis: Reduction and analysis of data through descriptive analysis and inferential one sample t-test; (4) Drawing conclusions: analysis and evaluation to get an accurate picture in drawing the right conclusions.