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Effect of crude oil and petroleum products on the plants propagation and growth

This book contains information on the mechanisms of plant reproduction, grow and propagation, the effects of crude oil and petroleum products pollution on their multiplication. The role of soil micro-fauna and micro-flora and plants in the decontamination processes of oil polluted areas by stimulating its degradation is also analyzed. Were exemplified the plant species more […]

ISBN: 979-8-89248-660-6



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Daniela Strat, Iuliana Florentina Gheorghe


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This book contains information on the mechanisms of plant reproduction, grow and propagation, the effects of crude oil and petroleum products pollution on their multiplication. The role of soil micro-fauna and micro-flora and plants in the decontamination processes of oil polluted areas by stimulating its degradation is also analyzed. Were exemplified the plant species more tolerant of the toxic effect of crude oil compounds and of the film that prevents gas exchanges at the level of the coat of the seeds and of the cell wall in the seedlings. Also, the book contains information about the seeds of plants that in symbiosis with various mycorrhizae significantly reduce the effect of crude oil films on the seed coat, favoring the process of water imbibition in seed and germination of this. The authors presented also the important steps of the germination process as the absorption of water in the seed, initiation of the biochemical and metabolic processes and the factors that influence the embryo development (temperature, humidity, oxygen, nutrients).