Additional information
Author | Weitter Duckss |
ISBN | 978-9975-154-02-4 |
Language | |
Number of pages | 633 |
Publisher | |
Publication year |
(EN)This article completes the circle of presenting the process of the constant growth of objects and systems and the topics to complete it consist of the visible matter violent disintegration and its re-creation inside the Universe. A constant process of the visible matter disintegration is presented as the end of the process, the proportions of […]
ISBN: 978-9975-154-02-4
Author | Weitter Duckss |
ISBN | 978-9975-154-02-4 |
Language | |
Number of pages | 633 |
Publisher | |
Publication year |
(EN)This article completes the circle of presenting the process of the constant growth of objects and systems and the topics to complete it consist of the visible matter violent disintegration and its re-creation inside the Universe. A constant process of the visible matter disintegration is presented as the end of the process, the proportions of which are gigantic, and the creation of the visible matter as the beginning of it. The disintegration of particles disturbs the balance of the Universe’s wholeness; despite the enormous loss of the visible matter, the Universe is constantly growing. After having postponed it for a while, this article discusses the age of objects and the Universe as a consequence of the process of the constant matter growth. The acquired results are completely different from those, offered by the renowned experts of the time. (CR)Cilj članka je promatranje nastajanja atmosfere na tijelima u orbiti i utvrđivanje procesa koji učestvuju u izgradnji i određuju kemijski sastav atmosfere. Istraživanje primarno promatra stvaranje atmosfera na tijelima različitih veličina (masa) na istim i različitim udaljenostima orbita. Rad promatra utjecaj temperature zvijezde, prostora i udaljenosti orbite na visinu temperature tijela i utjecaj radnih temperatura atoma i kemijskih spojeva na kemijski sastav i zastupljenist u atmosferi. Tijela različitih masa i temperatura mogu i stvaraju različiti sastav i veličinu atmosfere unutar istih i različitih udaljenosti od matičnog tijela. Procesi kji učestvuju u izgradnji atmosfere obuhvataju: radne temperature spojeva i atoma, migraciju vodika i helija i ostalih atoma i spojeva prema superiornoj masi. Nedostatak kisika i vodika (dodatno) se vezuju uz visinu temperature prostora, koji se dijeli na unutarnji (nedostatak vodika) i ostali (nedostatak kisika).