Home » Product » Learners’ Problem-solving Skills: A Case Of Reading Comprehension, Arithmetic Skills, and Gender Equity

Learners’ Problem-solving Skills: A Case Of Reading Comprehension, Arithmetic Skills, and Gender Equity

This book presents findings on the relationship between learners’ reading comprehension, arithmetic skills, and word-problem solving in secondary schools in Kenya. The results involved the responses of a sample of 348 respondents. The book outlines how learners’ reading comprehension and arithmetic skills correlate with their ability to solve word-problems. From the conclusion of the findings, […]

ISBN: 979-8-89248-385-8


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Dennis R. Nimely, Jr


Publication year


Number of pages



This book presents findings on the relationship between learners’ reading comprehension, arithmetic skills, and word-problem solving in secondary schools in Kenya. The results involved the responses of a sample of 348 respondents. The book outlines how learners’ reading comprehension and arithmetic skills correlate with their ability to solve word-problems. From the conclusion of the findings, it is suggested that incorporating reading comprehension and arithmetic skills in the curriculum may improve learners’ performance in solving word-problems.